Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Rant: My Thoughts on Nudity

An oft-discussed topic that I always come across is people's qualms about nudity. I've heard of people that don't even like to be nude at home, even if they don't have a roommate. I have heard of those that dislike being nude in the locker room so they shower in a bathing suit and then change while a towel is around their waist. Seme people don't even like being nude around their significant other. Why? I guess body issues are a big reason. Some guys don't think they have the body to even be shirtless. Hence all the guys I see at pools and beaches wearing shirts. Other guys may feel they don't measure up in certain areas so they prefer to cover up in the locker room.

Personally, I enjoy being naked. From the gym to home, I have no qualms about walking around in the buff. I have always been comfortable with it and see no problem with being around other nude guys. Same goes with the beach and pool, I have no problem with being shirtless. I do understand why some guys do feel insecure about it though and its ok. My advice to you is to remember that there is no reason to be shy. There are all types of guys in different shapes, colors, and sizes (by size I mean body type and penis size). You must never think of yourself as being any lesser than anyone else just because their body is more toned than yours or their dick is an inch bigger. Always hold your head high and be proud of what you have.

1 comment:

Random Thinker said...

Jayman, That was an incredibly awesome post. Body issues are not small things to have to come to grips with, and the reality is that even though I am not physically perfect, and never have had an adonis body, I am who I am. Thanks for reminding me.

Oh, there is one warning for all us guys who take that leap and tear off our shorts... use lots of sunscreen. Pasty white chests and backs burn pretty darn quick.

Thanks for the post today.