Friday, May 04, 2007

Britney: The "Comeback" Continues

She may be criticized for lip-synching and only performing 5 songs and not debuting any new songs, but Britney has continued her special performances. People don't seem to remember that 1. she has been out of the scene for 3 whole years since her last performance, 2. this is not a full blown tour and has not been billed as such, she is even using a fake band name, "the MMs," 3. this is not the appropriate way for her to introduce new music. All Britney is doing is practing, getting back into the swing of things before she goes for a full blown comeback. This is just a rehearsal, a preshow, the warm-up, before the main act. It is expected that she won't be her absolute best so people should be patient. The main event is just on the horizon.

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