So guys, this is the second announcement I wanted to make today regarding the future of the blog. As you all have known for the past few weeks, I have taken a new position with a new company beginning June 11th. My last day in my current job will be June 7th. This job has allowed me a lot of the freedom I need to run the blog in its current state. However, I'm not 100% sure how things will work out with the new position and if I will have the time or Internet access to continue the blog as is. The position has more responsibility that this one and I will have a lot more to keep me busy throughout the day. I may not be able to keep things running the way I have been. The last day with the blog as we know it is June 7th. So I needed to decide what to do with the blog.
First of all, I am not closing the blog. It will continue on. However, the blog will be taking a brief hiatus beginning June 8th and running through June 24th. Since I am starting a completely new job, this will give me time to acclimate myself to my new surroundings and get a feel for how my days are going to be. That way I will have a better idea of how much posting I can do. Posting will be much less though once I come back. Instead of over 10 posts a day, you will now probably see about 5 to 7 posts. I know I have spoiled you guys with the posts but work is my first priority. So I have decided on a new schedule beginning June 25th. Here you go:
The Confessions of a Bi Guy Summer Schedule: Effective June 25th.
The Bi Chart: Top 10 Shows
What To Watch
Midnight Fantasies
The Bi Chart: Top 15 Shows
What To Hear
Reader Confessions
A Day in the Life of a Bi Guy
In the Zone (with changes, see below)
Daily (Even Fridays):
Favorite YouTube Videos, (Tuesday and Thursday)
Jay's Anatomy
Hotties of the Day (with changes, see below)
What To Hear: This basically takes the place of New Music Reviews. It will feature a mix of old and new music that I think you guys will enjoy and that you should listen to.
A Day in the Life of a Bi Guy: I will post my exact daily activities from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed.
Evolution: You guys know about this oft-delayed post. It will launch when the blog returns. I consider it my origin stories on how I became the wacky Bi Guy you all know and love. It will be broken into "Volumes."
Hotties of the Day: They still will be daily. But I will be putting in two new features. 1. The Hotness Meter- I give you my opinion on each hotties' hotness on a scale of 1 to 10. 2. Ultimate Hottie- You have to vote and at the end of the day, I will chose the Ultimate Hottie of the Day, male or female
In the Zone: The post will still be fashion focused but more detailed on where to purchase, prices, etc. More changes later.
So guys, there you have it! That's my new changes for the summer and the new job. Fridays will be my off day from the blog, only having Jay's Anatomy and Hotties of the Day. Show summaries are on hold until the fall since shows are in repeats. However, I still will have Entourage and will include Big Brother once it starts in July. I may not keep writing them myself and just include reviews from other sites. Again, that will be time permitting, if I can, I'll write it myself. So enjoy guys! I look forward to your comments.
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